Digital Roundtable OMNITALK

Please Note: The event and all sessions will be in German language.
Professional exchange with other OMNITRACKER users and experts
On 1st December 2020 from 10:00 - 11:00 o'clock, OMNINET organizes the discussion round OMNITALK exclusively for OMNITRACKER customers. The first Digital Roundtable deals with the topic:
Integration of BPMN processes into existing applications
With the new Digital Roundtable OMNITALK, you have the possibility to exchange ideas with other OMNITRACKER users and our experts on interesting topics. The concept of the Customer Days showed us again how valuable an exchange is for everyone involved. For this reason, we will offer you OMNITALK at regular intervals and on various topics. This time, our BPMN expert Dr. Marion Tudor will be available for technical questions.
This is an exclusive offer for our customers and is limited to a maximum of 30 participants. Simply register by e-mail to receive your access data for the discussion round.
With OMNITRACKER BPMN, you can automate recurring processes throughout your company. The BPMN technology follows the international standard BPMN 2.0, which allows you to transfer BPMN models into other systems. With the OMNITRACKER BPMN Modeler, you structure and visualize business processes via drag-and-drop. The modelled workflows can then be automated with the OMNITRACKER BPMN Engine, so that all processes are executed quickly and reliably.
BPMN increases the processing speed of all workflows in your company, saving you resources. IT and non-IT processes change from time to time. Workflows allow you to incorporate the necessary changes into the process, such as adding new participants, reworking activities or expanding objectives. Process optimization in particular is a key element in increasing the competitiveness of your organization. With BPMN, you get a global view of all processes in your company.
Further information about BPMN
If you have any questions regarding the OMNITALK discussion round or BPMN, we are always available for you.
Please feel free to contact us at
We are looking forward to your participation.