OMNINET Unternehmen S 3840x660

OMNINET Employees

Table of Contents

The OMNINET team

OMNINET-Mitarbeiter Team Spaß Run

Team spirit is very important to us and is successfully implemented and cultivated with regular events and meetings, but also in our daily dealings with each other. If you value open and honest communication, then come to us.

We all pull together and are only successful together—that is our motto!

We introduce ourselves

OMNINET is a medium-sized family business with many opportunities and freedom to be successful in the IT industry. If you enjoy IT and want to think outside the box, you’ve come to the right place!

What we offer you

OMNINET-Mitarbeiter Team Job

In addition to your monthly salary, you can expect a 13th flexible salary component and annual salary adjustments.

You like to work flexibly and your family is important to you? No problem, with our attractive flextime model with core working hours you can help shape your family, everyday life and professional life according to your ideas, and the company-wide remote work regulation also enables you to work from home.

Our employees always work on a permanent contract basis.

Shaping the future

Become part of the team and actively shape digitalization.
OMNINET Mitarbeiterinnen Aktion

Be inspired by our team, our philosophy and get to know each other! We are looking forward to hearing from you and your application, also on your own initiative.

You are sure to find an exciting and new job in our current vacancies!

Values that connect

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Our corporate values not only determine how we deal with customers. The principles of simplicity, flexibility, reliability and partnership also guide us in our office environment.

To our values


Wherever possible, we prefer the simplest solution, because we are convinced that the direct route is the quickest and most enjoyable way to achieve our goals. This maxim applies to us equally in our day-to-day business, in challenging projects and, above all, in our personal dealings with each other. When it comes to communication, simple means for us: We communicate transparently and directly with each other, with mutual respect and at eye level. We pay attention to details and quality and take the time to listen to each other. Even in challenging situations, we look out for each other, stand up for each other and always remain fair with each other.


As employees at OMNINET, we often take on interdisciplinary tasks and grow with our individual challenges. That's why management positions in the company are usually held by long-term employees.


We stick to our agreements.
Fairness, the continual development of our employees and open communication are important to us.


We work as a team. At OMNINET, the principle of “everyone helps everyone” applies. When faced with difficult challenges, you can rely on your colleagues.

Good reasons

Icon Arbeitsplatz MA 370x185

Safe workplace

IconHierarchien MA 370x185

Flat hierarchies

Icon Gleitzeit MA 370x185

Flexible working time

Icon Homeoffice MA 370x185

Flexible remote work arrangements

Icon Events MA 370x185

Regular team events

Icon Entwicklung MA 370x185

Long-term development opportunities

Icon gehalt MA 370x185

13th salary component

Icon sparschwein MA 370x185

Company pension plan

Icon fahrrad MA 370x185 v2

Business bike

Icon Herz MA 370x185

Healthcare measures

Icon Kaffee MA 370x185

Free coffee and water variations

Icon Parkplatz MA 370x185

Free parking

Icon Handy MA 370x185

Business cell phone

Icon WLAN MA 370x185

Free internet

Icon Zug MA 370x185

Well connected to transport

Jobs & career

For young talents and professionals.


Your way to join OMNINET team