Do you already have finished BPMN process diagram files and want to instantiate these processes?
Are you expecting growth in your organization and thus an increasing number of users?
Would you like to involve many and dynamically changing sales representatives in the processes, without administrative and training efforts?
As a business you have to face a constantly changing, globalized business world where change is the constant. In booming business areas, economies of scale can only be realized through process automation. However, process modeling can be complex but must be understood by all departments of your organization. Get to know our OMNITRACKER BPMN Engine, which runs your modeled workflows automatically and error-free.
Through proven, data-centered configuration dialogues, you are supported in the implementation of complex business processes and can thereby easily adapt existing BPMN-based processes, create new individual applications or even modify OMNITRACKER standard applications including orchestration of interface connectors.
Our solution for you
All tools are directly integrated into the Business Process Ecosystem OMNITRACKER and provide uniform, mainly graphical elements and methods.Process creation with BPMN
By using the BPMN 2.0 standard, you can model your organization-specific workflow diagrams with mainly graphical editors and thus create the ideal basis for the automation of your processes.
BPMN 2.0 in the Business Process Ecosystem OMNITRACKER
The Business Process Ecosystem OMNITRACKER combines predefined and individual business processes in one tool. This centrally available data is the ideal basis for the data-based process modeling and automation with BPMN. Learn more about OMNITRACKER.
Become a BPMN expert
In various implementation and consulting projects we have gained a lot of experience and know-how in designing and modeling workflows. Benefit from this knowledge, and learn in our BPMN trainings how to implement the BPMN standard efficiently in your organization and how to automate your processes with the BPMN engine.
Optimize your IT and non-IT workflows with our BPMN tool
With BPMN 2.0, you can visualize and automate all your business processes, regardless of whether they are pure IT processes or non-IT processes.Support, shorten or completely transform your existing processes via modern and IT-based workflows. By using OMNITRACKER BPMN, you digitize your processes across departments using one software system throughout your entire company, even internationally. Furthermore, you can see the necessary steps, such as (pending) approvals from your supervisor, clearly in the process diagram. Due to the automation with the OMNITRACKER BPMN Engine, the responsible persons are directly informed and they can execute the next process step. After your booking, the fleet manager automatically receives an email with all required information and can prepare and provide the requested vehicle at the right time. BPMN reduces administrative, recurring tasks to a minimum and thus saves important capacities and resources—simply and intuitively via drag and drop. Tasks that can be automated are executed directly, all those involved are informed and you receive comprehensive process monitoring.
Your benefits:
- Model all your workflows by drag & drop.
- Use the international industry standard.
- Integrate external BPMN processes.
- Automate repetitive and manual tasks.
- Create clarity for all process participants.
OMNINET is a member of the Model Interchange Working Group
Association of BPMN tool manufacturers
The international Model Interchange Working Group (MIWG) is an association of individuals and organizations in the field of BPMN that promotes international communication between BPMN tool vendors. The group was founded in 2013 with the goal to support, facilitate and promote the exchange of BPMN models between different tools. OMNINET is an important part of this group and supports the lively exchange about this standard with other BPMN vendors. We incorporate new findings into our product development. The various business processes we model with OMNITRACKER BPMN 2.0 can be fully imported and further processed in BPMN tools from other vendors.