Free live session: Decisions within BPMN processes

Please note: The live session will be in German language.
On April 5th, 2022, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (noon), OMNINET will host a free live session on the topic:
Decisions within BPMN processes
In the live session, our BPMN experts Dr. Marion Tudor and Johannes Millerowski will present how to make decisions within BPMN processes so that the overall process runs as efficiently as possible.
Content of the live session
Business rules can be used to implement tool-supported decision automation in BPMN. These business rules affect the entire process or parts of it. The overriding goal is to define business rules in such a way that the entire process remains structured, runs in a goal-oriented and efficient manner, and requires as few manual decisions as possible.
Using a routine process “Submitting a vacation request”, the live session will show how business rules control the process flow and react to various input parameters.
About BPMN process automation with OMNITRACKER
With the process modeling standard BPMN 2.0 you can automate cross-departmental business processes - regardless of whether they are IT- or non-IT-related. The simple and standardized usability allows you to quickly and efficiently create new process models, and then integrate them into your existing process landscape. Existing process structures can also be adapted more easily and quickly if they have been modeled and documented using BPMN. This allows you to react more flexibly to business events.
We thank you for your interest and look forward to your participation. For content-related and organizational questions about the live session, you can contact us at any time via e-mail: