Digital Roundtable OMNITALK

Please note: This event will be in German language.
Open discussion: Business Intelligence in practice
On 9th February 2021 from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m., OMNINET offers exclusively for OMNITRACKER customers the opportunity to exchange professional views on the topic of BI.
The Digital Roundtable OMNITALK is a new format to promote the dialog with and between our customers. Our BI expert Mr. Christian Hochreuther will be available on 9th February to answer your questions about BI solutions in the OMNITRACKER environment.
This offer is exclusively for our customers and is limited to a maximum of 30 persons.
Register by e-mail to receive your access data for the discussion round.
About BI Express
BI Express is the BI and analytics solution of OMNINET. Use Data-based evaluations to make better management decisions, and to identify risks and potentials at an early stage. BI Express builds the bridge between OMNITRACKER and various business intelligence services, BI modeling methods and output formats and relies on the BI technology of Microsoft®. With comprehensive BI modeling methods, you can create interactive dashboards as well as regular reports.
Learn more about Business Intelligence
We are looking forward to your participation and are always available to answer your questions about this event.
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